FREE WORKSHOP - Salt, Oil, and Sugar & Low-SOS Diets!

$ 0.00
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price : $ 0.00
Who? YOU, who wants a more Healthy, Happy and Successful Life with Low-SOS Diets!

What? FREE Workshop with Q&A about Salt, Oil, and Sugar & Low-SOS Diets!

             (USA, New York) - Friday, June 16, 2023 8:00 PM
             (CHINA, Shanghai) - Saturday,June 17, 2023 8:00 AM

Where? Zoom Virtual - Meeting from your home comfy chair!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 436 676 6068
Passcode: 5elments

Why?  Improve YOU and your HEALTH through Low-SOS Diets ...
    •  Salt : What are the health risks of too much Salt?  What alternatives to Salt are there for an Low-SOS Diets?
    •  Oil : Why shouldn't we consume so much Oil?  What are the health risks of too much Oil?  What about Omega-3s?  What alternatives to Oil are there for an Low-SOS Diets?
    •  Sugar: What are the health risks of too much Sugar?  What alternatives are there for Sugar in an Low-SOS Diets?
    •  Low-SOS Diets : What is a Low-SOS Diet?  Top 5 reasons why You should go Low!

Other topics
    •  Low-SOS Products
    •  Top 10 Low-SOS Food Groups
    •  Top 10 Food Groups to Avoid on a Low-SOS Diet
    •  Weight Loss Tips
    •  Seasoning tips on a Low-SOS Diet
    •  Tips and Tricks for Loosing Weight
    •  FREE Low-SOS Meal plans
    •  Low-SOS Cookbooks
    •  And group coaching 60 minutes once a week, etc.

Check out our other products today!