FREE WORKSHOP - Introduction to The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life!

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price : $ 0.00

会议主题:Bill chan的预定会议
时间: 2023 / 12 / 09 09 :00-11: 00 中国标准时间-香港

WHO? YOU are looking for an Introduction to your 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life!  FULL WORKSHOP IN CHINESE (MANDARIN)!

WHAT? FREE Workshop with Q&A about the Introduction in your 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life!

(CHINA, Hong Kong) - Saturday, December 9, 2023 9:00 AM
(USA, New York) - Friday, December 8, 2023 8:00 PM

WHERE? WeChat Meeting from your home comfy chair!

WHY?  Improve YOU and your HEALTH in Your 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life!

    •  Element 1:  Earth (土) = Body.  Start focusing on your diet and exercise to re-establish and renew your path to a fulfilling life!

    •  Element 2:  Fire (火) = Emotion.  How can you ensure your happiness and success in life?

    •  Element 3:  Water (水) = Mind.  Where's your positive mindset?  Is your mind as calm, focused, and renewed as you would like?

    •  Element 4:  Metal (金) = Work. Tasking, Focusing, and Self-affirmations are among the easiest ways to accelerate your work performance and professional skills!

    •  Element 5:  Wood (木) = World. From the land you walk on to your family and friends you interact with, your world is what surrounds and sustains you!  3Rs of Recycling, Renewability, and Resources are lifestyles keys to open the doors of your fulfilling life!

Other topics includes:
    •  Top 5 reasons why You deserve a fulfilling life!
    •  The 5 Elements Approaches
    •  Top 5 Foods to Eat
    •  Top 5 Foods to Avoid
    •  Weight Loss Tips
    •  Recipes, Exercises, & Meditations
    •  Tips and Tricks for a Fulfilling Life!
    •  FREE  5 Elements Scheduler & Planner
    •  And group coaching 60 minutes once a week, etc.

Check out our other products today!