Good Gut Health 2

Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at, I'm also a health coach, and today we're going to take a deeper dive into gut health.

Last time we mentioned that we have about 100 trillion different microbiomes living in our guts, and they are picky eaters; they like another type of fiber.

There are a million different types of fibers out there; okay, each plant food has additional fiber and a diverse microbiome like other threads, so the more variety you consume, the more microbiome variety you'll have in your guts. They do beautiful functions for your health.

We mentioned that 30 is the magic number, 30 different plant food varieties each week.

The average American consumes about 15 grams of fiber and about three varieties, which is very limited.

Men should consume 25 grams of and women 15 grams of fiber per day. 

Now Hunter-gatherer societies consume about 200 grams of fiber daily, a vast difference.

The 25 grams that are recommended are relatively low. It is better to get up to about 50 to 60 grams of fiber per day, which help us to feed the microbiome.

When we feed fiber to our microbiome, the microbiome rewards us by producing short-chain fatty acids.

Short-chain fatty acids are related to lowering chronic illnesses like hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity and mental improvement like better brain memory and reducing the risk of dementia.

Some studies have been done where they take a thin person's fetus and inject it into an obese person. What they found was that it helps an obese person lose weight.

A lot of weight loss is short-term because you can't keep injecting details of a thin person into the obese person continuously.

So once they lose weight, they have to change their lifestyle.

Actually, in China, that's been practiced for thousands of years, they take the healthy fetus from a healthy person and then make it into the soup and feed it to a sick person, and they found that to be a remedy beneficial.

In the U.S., drug companies have made capsules of healthy fetuses and given them to people with different illnesses that can improve.

That's why your gut health is so essential. It affects all issues in your body, from mental in the brain area to your body.

Physical and mental health is so important, so make sure you feed fiber lots of fiber to your gut.

I recommend anywhere from 90 to 100 percent of plant consumption and a little animal product if you have to have them.

That's in conjunction with the Blue Zone and the most healthy diets.

So consume mostly Whole Food plant-based products, which will help you build healthy guts. Thank you!

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