Cutting Out AGEs - Advanced Glycation End Products

Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at

Today I'm going to talk to you about stopping barbecuing.

Many of you enjoy that summer barbecue with your favorite meat; it tastes juicy and delicious.

However, cooking with barbecuing, frying, or even grilling meat of protein or fats in high temperatures can create a harmful compound called AGE: advanced glycation end products, a toxic combination linked directly with cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

It works because if you're eating a little bit, that might be okay; your body can adjust.

However, you eat a lot of barbecuing, like every weekend, and it accumulates, and your body cannot eliminate all that AGE.

So what happens is it accumulates and becomes very harmful for you. This product is linked directly with obesity and diabetes because when food is cooked at that hot, really high temperature, it changes its molecules and creates that very harmful compound.

And it also can be created when fats and proteins are mixed with sugar in your body.

What can you do about it?

Some of the suggestions for you are to prepare food at low temperatures. Try to slow cook with low heat or eat food cooked in water, and if you eat a lot of plants, like vegetables and fruits, will help you reduce that AGE.

The other thing you could do is exercise a lot; exercise also reduces AGE, so stop eating BBQ animal products, but also, if you grill nuts, it could turn to AGE too.

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