Motivation To Act

Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at
Today, I want to discuss making our dreams come true.

Setting a goal and actually achieving it.

Now you probably heard a lot of mantras, like motivational speakers talking about you can achieve anything you want, right?

Now you could say that to yourself every morning, but what good does it do if you don't believe it?

It does more harm than good, according to psychologists. 

However, Daniel Paint, a great author and motivational speaker, proposed the idea that instead of telling yourself you're so great, ask yourself a question; say, if you want to achieve a big project or you want to start your own business, you ask yourself can I do this and if the answer is "yes" how? 

Okay! Then you devise your plan because your brain is now forced to think about how to do it.

Once you have a plan that's not good enough, Mel Robbins, an excellent speaker and writer, proposed this five-second rule. She says to make yourself start before your critical self can have a chance to criticize you.  

The critical self says hey, no, you won't be able to do it, and critiques you negatively; you should count backward five seconds.

Okay, you do it by counting backward, five, four, three, three, one go, and then you jump off your bed or wherever you're sitting and take action towards it.   

Now great plans without action don't get you anywhere, you need to take action, and this motivation pushes you forward and drives you towards that goal that you want, and every day, you should assume that action with a five count.

Wow! so, five-second move: five four three two one go. The other great suggestion she makes is giving yourself a high five in the mirror; yeah, giving you a big high five because when you give yourself a big high five, you're acknowledging yourself.  

You feel good when you're giving five fives to others, it triggers a happy feeling, a positive feeling of achievement, so when you do that to yourself, you're giving yourself a lot of compassion, a lot of love, and the motivation to go for whatever in life that you're looking. 

And you'll love yourself more and more, so remember three things:  The first thing is to ask yourself if you can do whatever you set your goals on, second how you're going to do it, come over the plan, and then the third, take action: five four three two one go and lastly, always give yourself a high five to make yourself feel good. You can achieve anything in life if you put these rules into action. Thank you!

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