Good Gut Health Tips

Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at

I want to talk to you about maintaining a healthy gut; we will share some tips.

So number one sleep, sleep is critically important; you have to have around seven to nine hours of sleep a night.

The best time to go to bed is between nine and around ten, by eleven, and get up around six to seven.

Now is the optimal time because your liver detoxifies toxins from your body, and so does your brain.

When you get up in the morning, the best thing you can do is go outside, soak up the sun, and close your eyes. Don't open up your eyes but look at the sun.

Because we don't want damage to your retina, look at the sun for about 30 seconds to about two minutes, and you soap in the sun and this way, you wake up all the cortisol in your body,

And when your cortisol is up in the morning, it wakes you up, and you're energetic, but then in the evening, your cortisol will slow down more because you have that sun in the morning.

Now when it slows down, your serotonin takes over, creating melatonin which helps you sleep better at night.

It's essential that you can get as much sun in the morning as possible, of course, if you wake up at six in the morning or five in the morning when the sun hasn't been up yet so, you might have to wait till eight o'clock to go out and at least have a few seconds or a couple of minutes of soaping in the sun.

Now the best thing to do is go outside for about an hour or two daily. That way, your body can get this Vitamin D and any sun that will help you to sleep better that night, but if you can't do it on weekdays, try to do it on the weekends.  

The second thing is to be with nature, go outside and walk on the grass, walk on the soil, barefoot on the sand, and be with your tactile senses now.

Of course, that might be tough for some people during the weekdays, but at least take some time during weekends to take your kids, bring your family, and enjoy nature because there are so many different types of microbiomes or bacteria in the soil that you want to be attracted to. 

As much variety as possible, right, and don't be too clean.  It would be best if you didn't get dirty, but we are over-sanitizing everything right. If you over-sanitize everything, you kill off all the good and harmful bacteria.  So you're not getting the variety of bacteria into your body.

That's the same with medicine; taking medication, especially antibiotics, will kill off harmful and good bacteria.

You want to eat a whole food plant-based diet, as we talked about last time; you want to do that because microbiomes in your gut love fiber, and if you're not feeding them they'll eat the membranes on the gut lining that will create a leaky gut.

So be careful, and relax the stress when you get up in the morning; try to get some meditation in, it could be five minutes, half an hour, or whatever time you can spare to enjoy the day.

Maybe do some relaxation exercises so you're not all stressed; when you have too much stress, you can feel the pain in your gut, so you need to relax and take deep breaths to your abdominal,  and comfort to take deep breathing.

We have forgotten how to breathe these days; watch a baby when the baby breathes; his stomach goes up and down; that's how you should be living. 

Okay, the other last tip we can give you, and it's important, is "exercise."   Exercise is critical; what exercise does is trains your immune system right.

So when you lift weights, it's the same thing. When you're lifting weights all the time, you're getting stronger and stronger, and so is your immune system.   

If your immune system ex uh gets information from the exercise uh tiny and manageable information, okay workable information so it can rebuild itself.

If it wasn't exposed to that, guess what? When the terrible virus hits, your body doesn't know how to handle it, it's not strong enough, and you get sick. Still, if you're working out all the time, it could get stronger and stronger, and then when it has to combat a big virus-like covert 19, you can maintain your health. 

We mentioned last time that they did a study on people who got COVID-19 and found that people who got serious with the disease are obese.

They have unhealthy guts because your immune system is equipped to handle the super virus, so you must train it all the time, and it will then help you combat the super virus.

Just a reminder, last time, we talked about 75% of your immune system being in your gut and performing 80% of your immune functions; that's why we need to have a healthy heart to build our immune system; alright hope that was helpful for you.

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