Good Gut Health 1

Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at  I'm also a health coach and want to talk to you about your gut health today.

There are many papers and recent research studies on the gut microbiome and how we have more bacteria cells than human cellsThere are about 100 trillion microbiomes in our gut, ten times more than our human cells. So we're co-existing with the microbiomes in our gut; they have different functions depending on what we feed these microbiomes.

What do these bacteria feed on?  They are picky eaters and feed on fiber and plant-based fruits and vegetables. It's not that we have good or bad bacteria, but what we feed them determines whether they will do good or bad things for us.  

When we eat plant-based products, it's not just the plants but the variety of plants we need to consume; somewhere around 30 different types of plants and foods. Plant-based products contain fiber that animal-based products don't. That means legumes, beans, and grains could be vegetable fruits and nuts containing only fiber.  

There are millions of different types of fiber, and different bacteria like to consume different threads. So when you feed them, you want a wide variety of microbiomes. You want many microbiomes in your gut, so you must provide them with different fruits and vegetables, legumes, and other plant-based products.

If you feed the gut bacteria around 30 different types of fruits and vegetables a week, they should all get their favorite food.

Right now, what happens when you eat meat, proteins fats? It goes to your small intestine and doesn't reach your colon, where 90% of your microbiome resides. Now when they don't get their food, they get hungry.  So what they do is consume your membranes in the gut barrier.

Because your gut barrier is very, very, you have a leaky gut once it gets damagedWhen you have a leaky gut, your food and digestive by-products leak into your bloodstream. When it goes through your bloodstream, your immune system detects and fires it because it detects a foreign invader, resulting in an autoimmune reaction and disease.

Seventy-five of your immune system is in your gut, and about 80 percent of the functions are done in the heart. This means if you have an excellent microbiome in your gut, you'll have a healthy immune system.

A study was done recently during COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) that focused on what type of people get COVID-19 and what type of people don't.  They found that the people who generally get COVID-19 have hypertension or diabetes. So the kind of people who contract COVID-19 has heart issues and obesity, which are all gut-related.

The story's moral is that when you have good gut bacteria, you develop a more robust immune system and fight disease better. It produces potent cytokines against cancer and many other types of chronic illnesses.

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