Get Mad Enough To Change Your Life

Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at; I want to continue our discussion about the environment and you.

Sometimes life has many events, and you might not be dealt with the best cards in the world at different points.

As a matter of fact, during covert, I was dealt with an evil hand, I was stuck in the U.S., and most of my business is international, so I'm used to flying all over Asia, particularly China.

When Covid hit, everything was shut down for two years; I was utterly lost; I didn't know where to turn, the traditional way of selling didn't work well, and I had to learn an entirely new way of doing business.

Now, how do I use the internet to do business? This is something beyond me because, back in my time, we were used to face-to-face selling; we called people and met with them, and now we have zoom meetings and social media to promote ourselves on Linkedin.

Jesus, something foreign to me, so I didn't know what to do, but I did know that I needed to start doing something, so I started taking many classes; I took Whole Food plant-based diet. I took positive psychology and professional courses in coaching for a whole year, and now I'm in health coaching.

All these classes have occupied a lot of my time and taught me a lot about new fields that I'm interested in; I'm curious about.

So, at this time, I started changing; I started realizing life is not just training big corporations; it's all about helping others to develop a happier, healthier, and more successful life.

This has become my new mission in life now; I'm starting to do some social media and online Publications. Also, I wrote a book and I'm doing YouTube videos now.

The nice thing is it has wholly converted my life after two years; now we've been somewhat locked in because Asia is starting to open up this year around mid-year, and I'm getting some callings for business now, and training is beginning to pick up now.

In parallel, I'm also building my health coaching business and positive psychology, keeping myself busy.

What I'm advising for any of you who felt confused, maybe somewhat demotivated by the current environment, is to get mad, really get mad, because, in positive psychology, this is a form of motivation when you are angry enough. You'll be able to take action to change the situation.   

For example, if you don't like the Bitcoin situation, one of the best ways is to get angry constructively so anger motivates you to take action.

What you want to do right now, you'll want to change the situation. Get off your feet because we're often too comfortable; even though we're not happy with this environment, we may suffer through it, right? That's the worst thing you can do, get mad and take action now.

The next thing is the tool motivation, motivation to build a vision of what you want, to create a compelling mission in life now, and plan what you're going to do,

Afterward, you need help; no one can do it alone. We all need coaches, and we all need mentors in life.

Now for me, I went to a coaching class, and my coach and mentor, Pauline helped me tremendously; she helped me work through a lot of my confusion in life, and she helped me with my inaction, so I'm now taking action toward my dreams in life.

I've been coaching with my counterparts and talking with Pauline and Christine.

Christine is my partner in coaching, so we coach each other every other week, she coached me one week, and I coached her the following week.

We've been helping each other tremendously, and for the last year and a half, we've been coaching each other.

So we all need a coach; now, coaches can help you. If you are not determined to change, you must make that commitment.

Yes, I want to take action, maybe I don't know how, but I'm determined to do something about my life; I'm not happy with it; that is the key you got to decide that you want to make a change, you want to make the changes then the coach can help you on how.

How can you break through your barriers break, your obstacles, start making a plan to start, and get used to getting yourself committed and motivated to make that dream come true?

Get some help from a good coach and transform your life around.

Okay, don't try to do everything on your own; we need others just as much as others need us, be patient; things take time, and lastly, always be compassionate to yourself because we only can do as much as we know, right?
Additionally, today we are trying to make the best decisions for tomorrow. Sometimes that may or may not be ideal, but that's all the information we currently have to make a future decision; always be compassionate and friendly to yourself and others.

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