Exercises For Longevity

Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at 5Element5.com, and today I wanted to continue discussing how baby boomers can live happy, healthy life in their golden years.

Okay, as we age, we know that our bodies start deteriorating, so we must continue our exercise.

There's a reason research by scientists found almost 46 000 cancer cases in the U.S. that could be prevented each year if we walk nothing strenuous well for 45 minutes a day.

This study analyzes cancer incidents and physical activity habits of nearly 600 000 American men and women in every state.

They found about three percent of common cancers in the U.S. are strongly linked to inactivity. Well, something as simple as just getting up and walking and moving suggests that walking might help tens of thousands of elderly avoid developing cancer in the coming years, so exercises release dopamine.

As we know, and also dolphins, what are those? Those are Nature feel good drugs that make us happy; good dopamine is Nature's motivational drug or chemical that causes you to feel vibrant, excited, curious, and energetic. Endorphins are great as a painkiller, and it's a love chemical.

It's Nature's morphine exercise also releases serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that transmits messages between nerve cells and the brain, so serotonin adds like a move stabilizer that helps us regulate our activities to be happy and friendly, allows us to go to sleep, it assists us in our digestion, appetite, memories sexual drive and also helps us release that anxiety so join a moderate intensive workout.

The body releases cortisone which controls blood sugar levels. It regulates metabolism and reduces this information in the blood pressure now; however, if you have cortisone continuously in your body, it acts as a prolonged fight, flight, or freeze response, which can cause inflammation in your body and brain.

So it's critical to have a balance between cortisone and serotonin.  Now scientists have found previously believed that the brain is static after certain age won. 

Now it's discovered in recent years the brain can grow new cells even at an older age, so as long as we stimulate it to physical exercise.  This is called brain plasticity.

The other key ingredient is we always eat healthy food to keep up with.  The blood vessels are nice and clean.  So eating the WFPB diet can help our guts to be healthy and reduce inflammation in the heart and the brain. So as little as 10 minutes of exercise linked to happiness exercise prevents all depression.

For instance, in a recent study between exercise and pharmaceutical drugs to cure depression it was found that or treat depression it was found that exercise and more benefits than drugs, so even if the drug effects can complete with practice, the drug effects only last as long as you continue taking them. In contrast, exercise can be sustainable for an extended period after you drop the drug okay.

The Duke University study found that depressed individuals over 50 years or older like taking anti-depression medications and exercises.

They found that both groups showed the exact effects of curing depression four months later; however, a new study followed participants for additional six months.

They found that 38 drugs grew only after the depression had returned, while only eight percent of the exercise group who continued to exercise at excavations were born only eight percent.

So 92 percent didn't have depression returning because of exercising.  So exercise works just as well as drugs.  Isn't that exciting?

But without all these side effects and all the risks of relapsing, isn't that an excellent egg great news for seniors, so all the Baby Boomers get up off your buns and stop walking?

Thank you.  See you next time.

  • admin
    May 23, 2019

    This is my first comment. Great article! Thank you!

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