Environmental Protection


Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at 5Element5.com, and today I want to talk to you about a sad topic Environmental Protection.

This week Florida experienced one of the worst hurricanes in American history; the news called it one of the top five storms that ever landed in America; hurricane destroyed Fort Myers; it's incredible and devastating.

If you look at some of the videos, a whole house has been Flushed Away by the storm, um, you see storm surges 17 feet high, 17 feet high imagine that that's like two stories tall, almost everything's flooded, you see these vast trucks and boats just lifted off by the waves and just totally smashed to pieces.

I'm in Orlando, Florida, right now, and when I drove around on Friday, I noticed some of the flooded areas; it was almost like the water was as high as the car's side mirror.

It covers half of the first floor of a house; it's outrageous now and creates enormous devastation in South Carolina just as well.

Why such tremendous natural disasters that humans never experienced before all in one month, last month, we experienced three earthquakes somewhere in the world. Then California has the worst wildfires and droughts, as do places like Nevada, um, Phoenix, Arizona.

Arizona and Texas, my God, are experiencing unprecedented droughts and disasters.   If we don't look at this seriously, there may not even be a place for our children and grandchildren to live anymore.

We certainly can't go to Mars or Jupiter, because Jupiter is like 400 Degrees, and you know that's inhabitable.

You look at all these disasters; it's because we didn't take care of our mother earth; scientists have found a vast big ice glaze that falls into the ocean the size of Manhattan, can you believe it? The size of Manhattan is because the arctics are 17 degrees Fahrenheit higher than their average temperature. 

Seventeen degrees that's hot, melting everything in the glazers, so we need to think about it seriously; we can't continue the way we live and expect some scientists to take care of all these problems because we are at a Tipping Point right now.

If we don't change, climate change will tip to the other end, and by the year 2050, as predicted by scientists, the Earth's temperature will go up two degrees, and we will all be covered with water.
Excellent, huh? Some of the biggest cities in the world will go underwater, like Jakarta, Indonesia, Shanghai, China, and probably Tokyo in Japan, and some of the biggest cities in the world, like Mexico City, New York, and California, um, I'm talking about in decades. 

California is going to fall under the ocean; if we don't watch it, it's going to happen, and what can we do to change one of the biggest and easiest ways for us to make a difference is to look at our animal consumption.

Can you believe it? 43% of the world's agricultural land is used for animal glazing?  We are destroying all the forest lands; we're chopping down all the woods so we can make the land for animal glazing, and on top of that, 80% of all the agricultural land is used,d to produce food for animals, not for us humans, only 20 are for human consumption.

80% are used to raise animal feed, and then we have consumed the animals, but it's like ten to one return on investment; we have to pour ten times more water to raise the animal's feed, then with ten times more grains before we can get what one percent out of the animals for our food consumption.

Regarding the carbon Footprints, because of the animal glazing, we have to chop down all the trees to make the land for raising animals and the feeds they eat.   

Every time we chop down a tree, we're releasing a massive amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, huge amounts, and if we don't protect our forest, we're not going to have any wild animals left anymore, and when only all the animals die off so do we.

Now in almost all ancient cultures, should I say indigenous cultures like ancient cultures like American Indians, or we can look at all the native Africans, they all believe that we are inhibiting Earth with all our neighbors, all the other species, that includes trees, plants, and mountains, the air we breathe, the water we drink, as well as the wild animals.

We must be compassionate to everything surrounding us because we must think we are just a part of the world and be more humble.

If we can control our atmosphere and environment, guess what we destroy?

We need to think about how we can best co-inhibit this beautiful Earth with all our neighbors, one of the best things we can do is stop consuming animal products because the more you drink, the more that farmers have to raise all these animals. The return on investment is so small if we use all this land to produce food for human consumption, we won't have world hunger.

If we use half the land for animal glazing and maintain our forest, then we could solve almost all the carbon dioxide problems; there's a research report about all the Animal Farms' combined carbon footprint that they release is three times higher than all the world's Transportation combined.

Think about it, the planes, ships, trains, and cars that we drive, and we talk about petrol all the time, but that's only one-third of it; the most significant part is on Animal Farms, so if we can eliminate our animal consumptions but if not at least limited to 20 to 30 animal products and 70 to 80 plant, that way we can fix at least or extend this climate change so that our children will have a place to live, they won't be threatened by disasters in this world.  

Natural disasters are getting worse and worse, so I'm really out of words right now because it hurts me so much to see what we're doing to our environment. Please take one step toward being compassionate for animals and our environment, and start saving our children, starts giving them a better tomorrow.  Thank you!

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