DISC Behavioral Styles


Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at 5Element5.com.

The last time we talked about recognizing cultural differences to get along with people from different countries and cultures.

This time I wanted to talk about, beyond these cultures, our differences as humans; regardless of what culture you come from, we have specific personalities, which vary from person to person; there's good or bad; it's just that we are different.

It takes differences to make the world go around now. It would be a very dull world if we all looked the same and acted the same right, so however if we don't recognize the differences and we think everyone's like us, they are motivated, they are interested in all the same things, then we're going to have contradictions with other people.

So, here's a straightforward rule: all types of personality assessments determine which behavioral style you belong to. Still, the simplest form to identify different behavioral styles is the DiSC profiling system.

 So in this profile system, you are divided into four categories of people in general; we are a combination of all of those, but it's a preference which one we prefer to use more than the others.

Now we can change over time. There are learning and natural behaviors; natural behavior is our default mode, so it's our natural tendency to prefer one way of doing things versus another. In the learned behavior, we can adapt. We can develop a different behavioral style for our work, or we have to fit in with a particular group, or as we age, we have other preferences.

So, here are the four styles; number one is the red color or the "D" dominant style. These people go ready to shoot; oh, I forgot to aim.

These are controlling people who like to control others versus being held; they are dominant.

They want to tell others what to do, they could be a better listener, and they often think that their way is the only way, their way or the highway.

Now, these people act before they analyze so that they will have a goal, and they're very action-oriented.

So Nike's saying, "just do it."

Uh, Dominant people are often fighting fire and are high achievers.

So if you think of these people, they are generally very successful in their careers, they are a lot of workaholics in this category, and they do not have that many people-oriented rights.

They go by the results; please don't tell me the process; tell me the results; they would like you to go to the bottom line right away; give me the bottom line.

Now to get along with these people, you must adapt to them.

You have to be fast, get to the point, and not beat around the bushes; they're not interested in making friends, so only do some chit-chats; go straight to the results and what you want to achieve.

The second type is the "I" person, the influential type.

The yellow person is happy, lucky, going people; they love friends, they like to talk, they're very animated, and they use their whole body and lots of gestures.

These people are very article, and they often like to tell stories. They're the life of the party, and you might wonder, hey, why is the office so quiet today? Maybe it's because the influential person is away from the office that day.

They are relationship-oriented and much less interested in details, so keep them private.

They want to know about your family and how things are going, so they like to chit-chat, and before they get down to the business, they want to build rapport and know you before they go into business with you.

So to work with a person like that, yep, sometimes you need to spend the time to build that relationship, build the rapport with them, talk about, you know, your weekends, talk about sports, right?

They love to tell you about their story, and they like to hear your stories now; these people may not be excellent listeners because they love to talk right, and they often exaggerate, so take their words with a grain of salt.

But they're always positive, so very enthusiastic people; you need to keep that energy high when talking to someone of that caliber.

So the third type is called the green person or the steadiness person, and as the word says, steadiness counts, right? They're very patient, long-term driven, and don't like change; they want to have a steady mode, and these people are very loyal.

When they become your friend, they'll be your friend for life; they often start with a company after graduation and work till retirement.

They like that consistency and often follow too t through, unlike the yellow person who starts projects enthusiastically and then gets bored. Still, these types of people who follow through with the project, often mundane and boring projects, 're willing to stick it out.

These people like to build that long-term relationship, and it takes time for them to get to know you and create that trust with you, but once they trust you, please do not betray their trust; once you cross them, guess what they'll hold their grudge for a long, long time, they'll not forgive you, and they're often the best listeners out there so when a yellow person like to chit chat all the time they like to.

Talking to these people must be very patient and listen all the time.

They are very empathetic people, so when you're talking to a steady person, don't push them for a decision immediately; let them have the time to mold it over, to think it over, and to understand them, give them time to think, give them time to talk.

So they're often slower in initiating anything.

When you want them to change, give them all these steps, don't give them a substantial revolutionary change; they want gradual changes—maybe transitional change, not a transformational change.

Now you might want to give them more instructions when you are dictating to them to do something right, and these people are very loyal, remember, they will take their time to finish a whole project.

The keyword is to be patient with these people to build a relationship and trust.

The fourth type of person is called the blue or conscientious type; now, these people are thinkers. Okay, they're not feelers.

The thinkers now are also engineers, the analysts in any company, now they are systematic and analytical and like to see proof of evidence and statistics before making a decision.

If you ask them a question, they'll say well, let me sleep over it, they'll tell you tomorrow their answer is correct because they want to think of all aspects of the situation and make all pros and cons analyses.

They don't like to take risks, don't want to make mistakes, and are often the experts.

They're very number driven, so when you talk to these people, you don't want to exaggerate; you always wish to prove evidence, show them the numbers, show me the facts.

They're profound; they often hide their feelings. They don't want to show their emotions, so these people are very conservative and have all their feelings bottled up inside them.

Now, they don't want to make friends when they talk to you, they want to go right into the business, but they want to look at the details, they want to look at the technical aspects, they want to examine the process, weigh out all the pros and cons.

So you want to be prepared when you're talking to these people, don't fake it because it won't make it, but with these people, you have to have everything in hand when they speak to them.

They're professionals and often great at picking out faults; okay, they look for the faults first before they look for the good, so you want to be completely prepared.

When you talk to them, be analytical and logical-minded when talking to these people.

Now you have the four different types of personalities and know how to adjust and adapt to the different styles of people. 

You can find a lot more information about this google it, or there's a ton of information out there in books if you want to take a deep dive, but at least you have some basic knowledge about the four different styles of people when you interact with them.  Okay! Thank you very much hope that this is helpful to you

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