Coaching For Success

Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at  I'm also a health coach and want to talk to you about coaching today.

Many companies are talking about leaders as coaches; what does that mean, leaders as coaches?

A recent study on Millennials and Generation Z found that they don't like having managers that control them; they want to be coached.

They want their bosses to help guide them and not boss them around, so the most critical job of any leader today is to support and nurture, not to order them around.

We can apply that to anything we do in life, anything suitable?  We all like to be independent, have the discipline to do all the beautiful things in our life, and achieve great results.

However, you know we're only human, we may have all the Knowledge and Skills, but sometimes we lack that discipline, and we may give up or take a while to start.

Furthermore, we procrastinate; we put things off, and at other times we may feel that we don't have the confidence to do tricky things.

We have that limiting bias about ourselves and are even more critical of ourselves than others.

We might not think we're good enough; we believe we can overcome all these things, but they're self-defeating and limit our potential.

If we do it by ourselves, all the best to you, but at times, we might need someone to support us, Believe in us, and give us a little bit more guidance in whatever we do.

If I guide you on where your journey takes you when you need clarification and guidance.

But we don't want other people to tell us exactly what to do; that's where the coaches come in; coaches have four skills.

Listening; is being present with you the whole time in your journey, being supportive of you, and believing in you.

Asking the right questions, asking powerful questions so that you can think of all the resources that you have to plan your Direction; by asking the power questions, they're able to dig a lot deeper into your reservoir so that you can come up with the solutions for yourself and because it's your Solutions, you have total ownership. You're responsible for making that happen; if you fail, you're responsible, so you'll exert all the effort to make that happen. 

Whereas if someone else tells you what to do, you don't have that that responsibility anymore, it's like my boss told me to do this, is it all his fault, you know he doesn't think far enough, he's not detailed enough, okay but if you are the one that came up with the solution, then you have to implement it, you have to give it all you have, you have to give all your effort to it, to make it happen.

The third skill of a coach is to hold a mirror up and let you see yourself clearly, by feeding back to you; your feelings, what you said, your content; by reflecting on what you told them, you're able to see yourself much more evident, okay the coach can reflect not only on your words but on your feelings, your attitude, your beliefs, your values.

Because the coaches are holding that mirror up there so you can see yourself much more profound and more precise.

The fourth skill is summarizing; summarizing what you said and helping you commit to specific action steps; at the end of the coaching section, that's when the change starts to happen; you have to be responsible for putting that into action and Implementing what you said.

Because you commit yourself, any changes will happen after the coaching section.

You might have insights during the coaching section, but between the coaching sessions is when that transformation happens. Because the coach is a guide only, you have total choice in putting your ideas forward and making it happen so that you can realize the dream you want to fulfill, the life you want to live.

So coaches play a supportive role, they don't provide the answers for you, but it's generally the best way to make Behavior changes.

We all know what to do; it's a matter of having that support and someone who believes in us to listen, to help us come up with ideas for ourselves, what's most important now.

If you're looking for that life change, if you're looking for better health, a better career, better skill sets, how to get along more effectively with other people in your life,
 you can call me, or you can find a coach that's the best fit for you, that matches with your situation, we all need a coach in our life.

Thank you!

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