Avoiding Cancer


Hi, this is Bill Chan again with The 5 Elements of a Fulfilling Life at 5Element5.com, I'm also a health coach, and today I want to talk about cancer.

Cancer is a significant issue today; about 10 million people have died worldwide, one out of every six.

In the US, 600,000 people died of cancer in the year 2021, so that's a vast number; it's the number two killer in America, the number one being a heart attack.

Heart disease has been coming down in recent years as cancer has been moving up, so they're getting closer and closer.

According to WHO, 50 types of cancer come from our lifestyle and food, and the other 50 come from genetics and the environment.

Today, I want to focus on food consumption because that's something we can manipulate; what foods cause cancer?

Again according to WHO, processed meat is categorized as a group one carcinogen, which means it has a solid connection to cancer.  

Processed meats are sausage, hot dog, ham, salami, and stuff; stay away from them.

Red meat, I'm sorry, that's beef, pork, and lamb; these are categorized as group 2A carcinogens; it doesn't matter if you're having a fatty steak or a lean salon steak, right they're all the same.

How about white meat? No study links white meat to cancer for things like chicken, turkey, etc.

However, white meat contains a lot of IGF-1, an insulin-like growth factor; now, we need that as we're growing up, but when we mature, we don't need that much IGF-1.

Excess IGF-1 is linked to cancer, so white meat is no safer than red meat.

How about eggs?   If you look at eggs, there's a lot of chlorine in eggs, and choline has been linked and transferred to TMAO; TMAO is directly related to heart attack and cancer. Are eggs safe to eat?

Dairy products contain a lot of estrogen and casein, which activate cancer cells regardless of your stages, making your cancer cells more active and spreading out faster.

Now, what about tofu? Tofu contains a lot of estrogens as well, yes, but these are plant estrogens. They're not animal estrogens and don't perform the same way.  

Studies have proven that tofu doesn't cause cancer and lowers cancer risk.

So consuming tofu helps you to fight off cancer.

What other foods can help you prevent cancer? Things like garlic are perfect, so I cook with it every afternoon when I have my big meal.

Now, I heard some people chew on garlic first thing in the morning; I wouldn't do that because people would start spreading away from me.

Turmeric is excellent, so you can add a little bit of turmeric to your food every day, whether it's coke or you can add it to salads.

If you want an attitude drink to add turmeric, you can buy them in raw or powder form.

You might have to grind the turmeric in a raw form, but they're excellent. 

Things like berries, all types of berries: strawberry raspberries, and blueberries, they're all excellent for fighting cancer.

Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and cauliflower are great at fighting cancer because they can contain a lot of fiber. Fiber will flush out many toxins from the body, which is the primary food for your gut microbiome.

Now, studies show that the type of microbiomes you have in your gut links directly with what types of cancer you get. 

So if you have healthy microbiomes, they fight off your cancer cells, but if you don't eat enough fiber, they're not being fed and are unhappy.

Other foods, like beans, contain large fiber and grains.

So you need all of those, eat the rainbow, and that means you need 30 different types of fruits and vegetables every week, mixing it all up like you can add flax seeds.

Those also count; flaxseeds, gum, and chia seeds are rich in omega-3.

You can have soybean milk, suitable soy milk added to your cereal counts too.

So any gum plant foods, when mixed, create that synergy that helps you fight off cancer cells and their antioxidant.

Now wine and alcohol, according to WHO, no amount of alcohol is safe against breast cancer, okay, so none of these two glasses of wine for men in one glass for ladies every night, as no amount of alcohol is safe against breast cancer that means you don't drink it all

Smoking, we all know, is linked to many different types of cancer.

Exercise! Exercise is a great way to release dopamine and feel happy, right?  So anyway, relieve stress, stress is the leading cause of cancer. What else can you do to prevent cancer?

So meditation and exercise, they're all great.

Drink a lot of water, and drink more water; water should be your preferred choice of liquid.

Add some lemon or lime to your water to make it taste sexier. 

The other essential thing is sleep; you need ample rest; the best time to go to sleep is between 10 to 11, and waking up at six to seven because you start detoxification those hours.

Also, your body detoxicates all the toxins from your body, and your liver functions at that time.

Now the best time is to get seven to nine hours of sleep daily, and if you can't do it in one lump sum, then do it in the afternoon, get an hour of nap, a power nap in the afternoon.

It's beneficial relaxation to do meditation; it helps you relax your body and fight off any stress from the sympathetic nervous system, so you're not always in a fight or fight response.

Your systems relax, and you're fighting off cancer, so remember to do the good things with your lifestyle that will help you to reduce your chances of cancer.   Thank you very much!

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