Our Vision: Thought Leaders of the 5 ELEMENT5
‌Our ‌Mission: Energize Your Successful Career and Fulfilling Life
‌Our Value: Transform Your Dreams of Health, Happiness, and Success to Reality

5 ELEMENT5 Content

It all starts with our diverse team's life experiences, learning, failures and successes across a wide range of life's challenges and endeavors.

‌We've professionally captured this content in writing and seamlessly presented it to you for ease of understanding and  assimilation. 

‌Our team has but one goal in mind, and that goal is to deliver powerful approaches for your Successful Career and Fulfilling Life!

5 ELEMENT5 Focus

Focused on the fusion of Eastern philosophy and Western practicality, our training content, personal programs, and life approaches encompass all 5 elements of Body (Earth), Emotion (Fire), Mind (Water), Work (Metal), and World (Wood). 

‌At 5 ELEMENT5, our focus is on delivering you the life-changing and career advancing programs that benefit your health, happiness, and success through the format that best meets you and your organizations needs.

Business & Career

What defines success in your career?  In your business?  Answers vary, but one theme is common.  Passion.  What is your passion for your work?  How do you motivate it?  At 5 ELEMENT5, our programs and work strategies allow you and your organization to regain that passion for work and success in your professional life!


While managers direct, coordinate and organize subordinates to timely execute an existing plan of actions, leaders empower, motivate, and inspire others to provide ideas and goals for developing new plans of action.  Either way, we have a robust toolkit to address and guide you in the most important aspects in both endeavors to assure success.


Eating a healthy, balanced diet reduces the risk of a myriad of health conditions, while exercise is a cornerstone of health that benefits nearly every system in the body and reduced risk of more than 35 diseases.  Easier said than done, you say?  Our programs and products ensure your success is more likely than failure.  And when it comes to your health isn't it time to do right by yourself?


Ever wonder, "Where did I put those keys?"   You're not alone.  Johns Hopkins outlines 5 ways to protect your mind and memory.  At 5 ELEMENT5, we focus on a holistic approach to life and lifestyle that will get you operating at the top of your game again.   Our products will reorient you to a more healthy behavior and habits and hold you accountable to your success across the board.


Sleep well last night?  Meditate well this morning? If no to either, then our 5 ELEMENT5 Meditation & Sleep Program may be just what you need to get your conscious and unconscious life back in sync.  While meditation and sleep are two distinct bodily functions, they complement each other so well, like our left and right arms or legs, you'll soon wonder how you ever lived without both in your healthy life.


Do you want a love in your life?  Need a more fulfilling partnership?  At the most fundamental level there are 5 components of love: affirmations, attention, gifts, actions, and touch.  But knowledge alone is not enough to create love or reignite a personal partnership.    Our team has developed a tried and true approach to fostering a lasting love and lifelong partnership.

“The 5 ELEMENT5 team, headed by founding partners Bill and Ed, is a winner! The vision, mission, and value added through their unique offerings of training and tools guarantee your dreams will be successfully delivered to reality!”
— Diego V.


Our product and service formats range from live programs to teleconferences to prerecorded audio,  books and gift merchandise.  

‌You can order online here in our 5 ELEMENT5 Shop or contact us for customization that best meets you and your organizations needs.

5 ELEMENT5 Moonstones

The moon is the first milestone on the road to the stars, wrote Arthur C. Clarke.  

‌At 5 ELEMENT5, we firmly believe that our milestones, so called moonstones, are but stepping stones you will use to leapfrog your way to your Successful Career and Fulfilling Life!




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